Cooperation of Cargo.LT and Teleroute – more opportunities


Everyone, engaged in the field of transport and logistics in the Baltic region, surely knows and uses the services of Cargo.LT

In May, it is going to be 15 years since this product saw the light of day and became your reliable help-mate. However, the European market is, of course, very large and involves other successful freight exchanges as well. The title of pioneer and the largest “player” in the market, definitely, goes to “Teleroute,” which takes leading positions in the Benelux countries and Western Europe. It is also the owner of the information-transport exchange “Bursa,” which covers South European countries. Besides, there are, actually, local markets in Germany, Poland, France, and Spain, operating in their national markets.

The good news for carriers is that Cargo.LT, Teleroute, and Bursa Transport have signed an agreement on cooperation and database exchange, valid from 21 January 2015. Also, an agreement on the initiation of cooperation inteleroute-e1421745346650 logo_2001the field of security has been entered to – from now on, malicious dodgers or companies found to be concerned in freight thefts will be blocked not only in Cargo.LT but also in Teleroute and Bursa. As a result, those who have “earned notoriety” in the West, will not be able to gain access to databases of Cargo.LT either.

To date, over 80,000 of new freights are posted on Cargo.LT every month. Now, about 100,000 more monthly freights from Teleroute and Bursa Transport will join them.
We hope this will help Baltic carriers in finding new clients and becoming more competitive.

Administration of Cargo.LT


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